Explore untapped investment opportunities across a variety of industries in Oman & Brunei
OBIC is a closed joint stock company established in 2009 and registered under the Commercial Companies Law of the Sultanate of Oman. The company is involved in the business of investing in diversified sectors of the economy, mainly in Oman and Brunei. The company was formed as a 50:50 joint venture between the governments of the Sultanate of Oman and the Sultanate of Brunei. Based on this strategic partnership, OBIC’s vision is to explore the best opportunities that both the countries have to offer. Since inception, OBIC has had exposure in the following sectors: Aviation, Healthcare, Hospitality, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Aquaculture, Telecom and Education.
To invest in a diversified range of companies and create value for the shareholders, partners and employees by proactively managing investments and becoming a preferred investment partner in the market.
To become a recognized investor in sustainable economic and development projects in the Sultanate of Oman, the Sultanate of Brunei and the GCC, focused on generating financial and social returns.